How To Hang Draperies and Curtains Like A Designer

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Have you ever seen people’s window “treatments” from outside their homes and been able to tell right away that they simply nailed or tacked a sheet or blanket to the wall to cover the window?  Not only have I seen it, I’ve done it and have hated every minute of the unprofessional look to my windows!  My home doesn’t need to be and never will look like it belongs in a magazine, I live in what I like to call “organized piles” that lay around until I can’t stand the sight of them anymore and then I clean the whole house like a madwoman, but there are certain things I like to maintain to give my home a comfortable “finished” feel that help me to relax when I get home as I’m not noticing things that I still need to do around the house.  Windows are one of those things that I like to keep up with.

Aside from keeping my windows (when I can reach them) as spotless as possible, I like to find things that the sun can shine through and brighten my day.  I do enjoy colored glass and interesting shapes for the windowsill, but in the realm of window treatments my choices lean towards the sheer and openwork lace varieties to allow in all the awesome sunshine.  To be honest, I’d never thought of  ensuring that the curtains reach the walls, but I’m thinking this will be a way to show off the lovely lace, color and/or patterns of the curtains I’ve chosen when viewed from any angle other than head on.  This is a simple fix, really, and I’m excited to try it out!

Find Addicted2Decorating’s full post and photo-tuto here.

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